Dave T Nelson dtnelson at
Mon Jun 17 09:03:19 CDT 2013

Slight twist on this topic -

I'm a very happy Foreflight user... I use it on my ipad 1 and ipad 3
versions... using only the internal GPS.  I've never had an external GPS,
and it seems to work fine (and yes, I do use it IFR).  Am I the only person
able to reliably use the internal GPS?

It unlocks once in a great, great while... basically near enough to never
that it's not an issue.  And, since I don't use it as anything even close
to my primary navigation reference (esp. for IFR), it's just never an issue
when it does.

What is your experience?



Dave T. Nelson
T/L 553-4327, Voice 507-253-4327, Fax 507-253-3648
Program Director, ISC ECAT NPI & Test Engineering

      ----- Message from Don Johnston <numa at> on Mon, 17 Jun
      2013 08:17:48 -0500 -----
      To: Velocity Aircraft Owners and Builders list       
          <reflector at>                             
 Subject: Re: REFLECTOR: ipad                              

I had Anywhere map years ago. It was okay but I didn't stick with it. Then
again, this was before touch screens and the stylus approach was not a good
entry tool in turbulence.  I got an iPad right after they came out. Been
running Foreflight ever since.  Looked at the others but still like

If you didn't get a wireless version and you want a moving map, you'll need
an external GPS. I have the GNS5870 but there are others. The pro version
of Foreflight has georeferenced approach plates. I got the GPS almost for
free so I decided to get the pro version of Foreflight for a year to try
it.  I decided to keep the pro version. You can't have too much situational
awareness, right?  :-)

For weather, I'm still using my 396 with XM. I prefer the resolution of the
radar and the number of products of XM over the ADS weather.
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