REFLECTOR: Long trip - what to bring?

Dave T Nelson dtnelson at
Tue Jun 4 19:44:17 CDT 2013

Mark, FWIW, living in Minnesota I've thought quite a bit about
survivability in a forced landing situation.  I can take you places in less
than two hours from my home airport where you won't see a road... or even
anything human made, for as far as you can see.  I regularly fly out west
(to Idaho)... Western South Dakota looks much like a moonscape... not many
places to find a makeshift runway, let alone a road.  Last week we flew out
east.... and I was reminded that much of western Pennsylvania looks just as
tough when it comes to finding a place to land.  Part of the trip we took
was over the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains.... not many places to land
there either.

Having the basics to survive until rescue comes just makes sense to me....,
BTW, when I go west, my .45 and two clips are also with me.  Flying over
Glacier will do that to a guy.

My two cents.


Dave T. Nelson
T/L 553-4327, Voice 507-253-4327, Fax 507-253-3648
Program Director, ISC ECAT NPI & Test Engineering

      On Jun 4, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Mark Magee <edjonesbrady at>

            I like all the survival kit ideas, but with the reality of a
            CONUS forced landing not on makeshift runway (road), I just
            carry an iPhone, a Leatherman, fire starter, a bottle of water
            and a .45 and two clips.... :)

            Mark B. Magee
            Sent from IPhone 4S

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