REFLECTOR: Splitting Flying Costs

sbjknox sbjknox at
Thu Jun 25 09:10:33 CDT 2009

One point of confusion in this discussion is the distinction between 
Certified and Experimental.  A couple years ago I was "giving" rides at our 
annual Balloon Fest in my Starduster and asking for a $6 donation to help 
cover expenses (this was stated on a sign I had near the sign-up table).  I 
had done this on previous years with no problems but this year the FAA was 
there and shut down my operation and wrote me up.  After subsequent exchange 
of letters, they decided to not give me an suspension but a letter of 
warning "don't do it again".  The "official word" I received was that the 
operator of an Experimental may NOT legally receive compensation in any form 
or under any pretext.

Sid Knox

Velocity  173 RG  N199RS
Starduster  N666SK
KR2         N24TC

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