REFLECTOR: Oil Pressure

John Dibble aminetech at
Fri Jul 31 09:02:37 CDT 2009

At this point I'm pretty sure I do not have an oil pressure problem.  On the return from
OSH, my observant copilot noticed that every time I turned a knob the pressure reading
changed.  So I turned off my radio and the pressure went up 6 psi.  Then I turned off the
transponder and the pressure went up another 6 psi, making it 51 psig which I am happy
with.  I checked the voltage drop across the relay and it is 0.  I checked the voltage
drop between my RMI monitor ground and another ground.  I varied from 0-0.02 v as I turned
on a few things.  The monitor power voltage decreased from 12.6 by 0.1 volt each time I
trurned on something.  I figure that's just the battery voltage going down with increased
load.  What do I need to be looking at?


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