REFLECTOR: Nose cyl faulty construction - Safety BulletinCommunications

Pat Shea xl340hp at
Wed Mar 14 01:49:46 CDT 2007


What are you getting at here?? Scott B. couldn't be
more clear now or in the past that his Reflector
contributions are his personal opinions and not
official Factory positions. Hence his comment: "I
personally have been a Reflectorite for over 10-years
(prior to joining Velocity, Inc) and enjoy being a
member of the group, plus being somewhat of a
listening post and liaison between Reflectorites and
the company." 

Scott B. obviously has intimate factory knowledge and
connections which makes his input extremely useful.

do you have a problem with this???

Btw, If I was Scott, I would have blown us off a long
time ago based on some of the grief he gets on this


--- steve korney <s_korney at> wrote:

> Scott Baker...
> I'm a little confused here... Are you saying that
> the factory does not stand 
> behind the advice you post on the Reflector...???
> Best...Steve...

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