REFLECTOR: AWLgrip Painting Result

Ron Brown romott at
Tue Jul 5 16:38:59 CDT 2005

Hi Bob, 

Looking GREAT!!!

I just shot the bottom of my left wing and had 8 oz remaining (after mixing up 29 oz) left after shooting three coats, first two just wet tack coats, then the third coat heavier.  This calculates out to be over 300 feet per gallon.  And the resulting coverage is good, if not kinda dry looking.  This compares with my first round of shooting where it is difficult to get the 2nd and 3rd coats to flow as well as they should.  I don't have the T0005 reducer yet.  Today was 90 degrees and 55% RH.  I only waited 3-45 min between coats.

I'm about ready to go back to heavier first and 2nd coats with about an hour and half between coats, and forget trying to shoot light tack coats and also forget about trying to shoot a third coat.  

The Harbor Freight HVLP gun is shooting great - very fine droplets with a nice 6-8" fan pattern.  

I will have plenty of paint left to reshoot the bottom of the canard that came out lumpy due to the sputtering gun.

My interior is already in so I can't remove the doors and shoot while standing in the door way.  So I'll try the platform over the strake to shoot the top.  

Thanks for the update!!!
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