root/subsystems/oil_cooling - 7 file(s)
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Please upload your pictures into the appropriate directory.
Wherever major differences exist between Velocity models (a
retract XL is very different than an SUV), please create a
directory called model_differences so that users will know
you are demonstrating pictures that apply to a specific design.
Please give your name, and a comment for each picture uploaded
that includes the Velocity model, and what the picture is about.

Example: B. Michalk: Elite/FG: This is a picture of me making layups.
Brian Michalk --
In this photo you can see how I extended the leading edge of the NACA intake scoop for the oil cooler. Brian Michalk --
A head-on look of the NACA intake hole. Brian Michalk --
NACA intake lip.
Brian Michalk --
The NACA scoop was kept at flight level so that airflow would meet the cooler at a normal angle. Brian Michalk --
A view of how I built up the lip of the NACA.  Make it rounded like an airfoil to keep airflow attached. Brian Michalk --
Fabricating the rest of the NACA oil cooler intake duct.